Channel: Latest Questions by Calum1015
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Points system for unity

Hello, I am looking for advice for a points system. I have tried a couple things but they aren't working very well at all. First of all I am trying to create a planet system, when you hit a planet an...

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Unity failed to decompress package

Hello, unity community. I am trying to import unity ads to my game and I get an error(I will put the error in a code format so it looks a bit better) Failed to import package with error: Couldn't...

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Send inputfield entries via email

So I recently obtained a code from http://answers.unity3d.com/questions/433283/how-to-send-email-with-c.html This just sends an email. But is it possible to take the text written from a user in an...

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Unity clearing my scene when I press play in the editor

Hello Unity community, I am having a problem within the unity editor. Today I was writing a few scripts to spawn in a player using Photon Unity Networking. I do not believe this issue arose from the...

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Unity giving me some c sharp errors, cs1061

Hello Unity community! I am getting a problem from a script that I am trying to switch over from unity 4 to 5 in the asset bundle "Simply A*". I am getting three errors, all of level cs1061. I have...

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Unity 2d controller script, rigidbody2d gravity not working

Hello, I have a controller script below for my 2D game. When I jump I continue to go up, instead of down after the jump climax. Any help would be appreciated! ![alt text][1] [1]:...

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Hierarchy deleting all my GameObjects then adding them when I press play in...

I'll put in a couple pictures and include a unity package file in dropbox with all my scripts because I don't think anyone want's to read through all of them. At least not on Unity Answers. I'm not...

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Is it common for PC games made with Unity to be a security threat to...

So I am working on a game called ShapeRunner. I got my friend to download it but he wasn't able to play it because Norton Family Security software blocked it and removed it from his computer. Is this...

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Checking to see if a loaded level is equal to a member of an integer array

I am currently creating a mouse lock/hide script and have an object in each scene with a script. The script checks a list of if statements to find which level is being used by using...

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Unity Standard Assets FPS Controller Camera able to rotate past limit specified

When you download unity for the first time, and import the standard assets unity package, it comes with several character controllers. The one with the issue is found in...

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Points system for unity

Hello, I am looking for advice for a points system. I have tried a couple things but they aren't working very well at all. First of all I am trying to create a planet system, when you hit a planet an...

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Unity failed to decompress package

Hello, unity community. I am trying to import unity ads to my game and I get an error(I will put the error in a code format so it looks a bit better) Failed to import package with error: Couldn't...

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Send inputfield entries via email

So I recently obtained a code from http://answers.unity3d.com/questions/433283/how-to-send-email-with-c.html This just sends an email. But is it possible to take the text written from a user in an...

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Unity clearing my scene when I press play in the editor

Hello Unity community, I am having a problem within the unity editor. Today I was writing a few scripts to spawn in a player using Photon Unity Networking. I do not believe this issue arose from the...

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Unity giving me some c sharp errors, cs1061

Hello Unity community! I am getting a problem from a script that I am trying to switch over from unity 4 to 5 in the asset bundle "Simply A*". I am getting three errors, all of level cs1061. I have...

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Hierarchy deleting all my GameObjects then adding them when I press play in...

I'll put in a couple pictures and include a unity package file in dropbox with all my scripts because I don't think anyone want's to read through all of them. At least not on Unity Answers. I'm not...

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Is it common for PC games made with Unity to be a security threat to...

So I am working on a game called ShapeRunner. I got my friend to download it but he wasn't able to play it because Norton Family Security software blocked it and removed it from his computer. Is this...

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Checking to see if a loaded level is equal to a member of an integer array

I am currently creating a mouse lock/hide script and have an object in each scene with a script. The script checks a list of if statements to find which level is being used by using...

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Unity Standard Assets FPS Controller Camera able to rotate past limit specified

When you download unity for the first time, and import the standard assets unity package, it comes with several character controllers. The one with the issue is found in...

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